Wednesday, May 23, 2012


 My idea for my series was to take very up close portraits. The reason I wanted to do this is because many people nowadays take photos of themselves and they make sure they look "perfect" through use of photo editing and filters. When you take up close portraits you really can see every little detail and there isn't much you can hide. It shows people much more naturally. You might not be that close to someone so you can see every little thing, but these portraits show that they are there.

Monday, May 21, 2012

CD album cover

This is a CD album cover for the album Born To Die by Lana Del Rey. I am standing close to the camera and it looks like I am coming out of darkness. This piece is more figurative.

I wanted really dark tones and contrast. I wasn't really able to get that effect so I used Photoshop to darken the image, darken the background, and add contrast. I am the main subject so I wanted to make sure I was in focus.

The album Born To Die is rather dark as you can tell from the name. I wanted to show that through my piece. Death is obviously a common motif throughout the songs so to represent that with a slit throat. I didn't want to shoot someone who seemed like they were actually dead because the title "Born To Die" really makes you think about while you are currently living, you will one day die. I wanted to combine the idea of life and death.

I believe this image is successful. The composition turned out how I wanted it for once and I believe the meaning was also accurately captured. It seems to me like this could be a real CD cover even a real CD cover for this particular album.