Monday, March 12, 2012

This is a photo of Tia studying with a toy on her back. Lighting was used to make it look like she was studying in a more natural setting. However the background is blank to draw more attention to the subject.

This photo has many different elements that contribute to the meaning of the shot. They are all surrounding the main subject to bring you attention in. This image is in focus because it was meant to be a conceptual shot. The shot is meant to look as natural and realistic as possible.

This photo is meant to show the concept of being an adult and mature while still holding onto a piece of your childhood. Many teenagers have to deal with the stress of school and studying while we still want to be a kid and to not have responsibilities. This specific shot shows how while you're trying to be mature you still have you childhood following you kind of like it is hanging on your back.

I think this shot is successful. It is very clear and to the point. The concept is apparent in the shot. The main subject is clear and there are contributing elements to it.