Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tungsten Lighting

This is a portrait of Charlotte using Tungsten lighting. Charlottle is close to the camera and the background is plain. This is a figurative piece.

This piece has different values, but they are more neutral than dramatic. The shadows on her face and shadows from her hair add interest. The Tungsten lighting adds more contrast. This image is in focus and this was done on purpose because the purpose of this shot was to capture Charlotte's face.

This picture was meant to focus visually on Charlotte's face. It's meant a beauty shot. The lighting is perfect for this type of portrait. This is a light image because Charlotte has a happy expression sort of like in a school photo. This was taken indoors, but a background was used so nothing distracts from Charlotte.
 I think work is successful. It has good lighting and contrast. It has interesting shadows and you can see a glint in her eyes. There's nothing taking away from the portrait in the background.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Procrastination is something that affects a lot of people. It affects me in my day to day life. I developed bad habits at a young age, but now it's time to do something about it. If I just make a set in concrete plan for everything I need to get done then I can overcome procrastination.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Eve (window light project)


This is a portrait of Eve. She is close to the camera since this is a "beauty shot" using window light. This work is figurative.
This image has a lot of contrast. Ranging from whites and blacks. Window light was used to make the image seem more natural. The shapes are organic aside from the dots on her sweater. The tones are dark with a few highlighted areas. This image is in focus to show Eve's face.

This image is meant to show beauty. It is supposed to focus on visual appeal. This image is light because she has a slight smile. This image was taken indoors with use of outdoor light.
This work is successful. It shows window light and has dramatic contrast. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011



This is a portrait of Tia. She is close to camera because this is supposed to be used as a "beauty shot". This is a figurative piece.
This image shows a lot of color. The empty background also shows space. The shapes are all organic. The tones are very vivid. This image is in focus and this was done on purpose since Tia is the main subject.

This photo isn't meant to have an in depth meaning. It is mainly for visual purposes. This image is light because Tia has a slight smile on her face. This photo was taken indoors with using outdoor light.

 This work is successful. It shows correct use of window light, the main purpose of the project, as well as Photoshop editing. The image has great colors and contrast.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



 This image shows Charlotte and Monica walking together. Monica is closer to the camera while Charlotte is farther away. In the background is a road and bushes.
This image shows movement. All the shapes are blurry which lets you know I was moving while taking the picture. The tones are not very dramatic and are quite soft. The image is out of focus and this was done on purpose since we were supposed to do panning.

 This photo was meant to be used to practice the technique panning. This is light image. It appears that Charlotte and Monica are walking together as friends. This was taken outdoors.
I think this photo is successful. It is blurry, but it's supposed to be since I was using panning. The contrast could have been more dramatic for a better composition, but this overall shows what we were supposed to do.

Diane Arbus Study


In this photo Tia is giving Luis a piggy back ride. They are relatively close to the camera. In the background is a bush and a building. This work is figurative.

In this piece are many different shapes and textures mostly in their clothing and in the bush. The contrast is not very dramatic, but it is present. This is image is in focus and this was done on purpose so the subjects sare the main focal point.

 This photo is meant to embrace the style of Diane Arbus. Therefore, it is meant to be awkward. This photo is awkward because Luis is so big compared to Tia and she is the one carrying him. This is a light image. Tia is smiling which makes this picture have a happier mood. This was taken outdoors.

I think this work is successful. It's awkwardness is similar to that of Diane Arbus's work which was the main point of the project. It could be improved as far as composition. Like contrast and clarity, but I think the meaning was accurately conveyed.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This is a portrait of my friend Charlotte. The focus of this photograph is her face. The background is irrelevant. The trees in the background are far away while her face is closer and in focus. This is a figurative piece.

The shapes in this photograph are organic. It mostly consists of middle tones, but they contrast each other. This photograph is slightly out of focus. This was unintentional, but I like the effect.

This image is light. It is bright and Charlotte's expression shows that she is at ease. This was taken outdoors.

I think it is successful because it has emotional impact. It grasps your attention. It also documents Charlotte as a person.